Water covers roughly 71% of the earth’s surface, 97% of which is found in our oceans. This ocean water is too salty for drinking, growing crops, and most industrial uses except cooling. 1% of earth’s water is safe for drinking.
This 1% is used for everyday in our homes and businesses. And while it’s an understatement to say that we get our fair share of rain in Ireland, we are limited in how much water we can take from the environment. So, when it comes to water conservation, we must all play our part in looking for ways to reduce waste.
Here, we look at how to conserve water and how effective supply plans make a positive impact.
What is Water Conservation and Sustainability?
Construction project managers will be aware of sustainable water use and it’s growing importance. Quantity surveyors, too, will know how crucial water is to a construction project. Water conservation goes beyond construction projects, though, and requires governments, local authorities, businesses and homeowners to play their part.
One such way we can converse water is by fixing leaks. Uisce Éireann, the Irish body responsible for providing water services in compliance with the requirements of prevailing national and European legislation, states that we lose about 37% of our treated water every day through leaks before it even reaches our taps. They go on to say that “leaks can be difficult to find because they happen in the vast and complex network of pipes below ground. Many of these pipes are now old and damaged and need to be repaired or replaced to improve our water quality and supply.”
Currently, as specified by Citizens Information, the Water Services Act 2007 provides for “the conservation of water where leakage occurs due to unrepaired pipes or equipment, or where poor management results in wastage or excessive consumption of water.” Irish water is currently operating a Leakage Reduction Programme to improve the pipe network across Ireland.
Elsewhere, such as the home, faulty toilet cisterns, appliances over-consuming water, and dripping taps should all be fixed. A water butt will also help conserve water in the garden. For businesses, a water audit is a good start when thinking sustainably. Business owners may also assess their bills and try to gain a better understanding of their water usage. Again, efficient equipment and appliances will help to reduce water waste.
Water conservation and sustainability (the availability of fresh water for human consumption and use in agriculture and industrial processes) depend on issues such as these being fixed. But even when these issues have been rectified, how do we maintain water sustainability?
Case study: Contingency Pumping Solution maintains flow on the River Lee
How Effective Water Supply Plans Help Water Conservation Efforts

In Ireland, there are three main water supply schemes. These are:
- Public water supply schemes: Public water mains are administered and maintained by Irish Water. However, local authorities do provide certain services on behalf of Irish Water where agreed.
- Group water supply schemes: Households that are not connected to a public water supply may be served by group water schemes. These schemes are formed by two or more households coming together to provide their own common water supply. The group elects trustees to act on behalf of its members in all dealings with the local authority.
- Private water supply schemes: Private water supply requires the homeowner to sink their own well and draw out groundwater.
One of the main water supply challenges across these schemes is water itself. What we mean is the protection of water sources from contamination to ensure safe water supply and reduced treatment costs. This can be tricky on an individual water supply level as sources vary and risk-based assessments are often used to determine and prioritise protective measures.
Still, an effective water supply plan will account for estimated water use by assessing what the water will be used for, how frequently it will be used, and a contingency plan. For an in-depth guide to implementing a water supply strategy, read our related article, 4 Key Considerations When Managing Commercial Water Systems.
How Can we Maintain Water Sustainability?
In 2022, Uisce Éireann launched a comprehensive guide on how to best conserve water for the construction industry.
As leading providers of water and wastewater pumping solutions across Ireland, Campion welcomed the sustainability guidance and its advice, such as:
- Installing rainwater harvesting systems for dust suppression, vehicle cleaning, ponds or underground tanks.
- Reusing water from groundwater or surface water drainage to dampen roads in hot weather.
- Using innovative water technology, e.g., percussion taps, twin flush/low water toilets.
- Introducing recirculating systems for cleaning tools and greywater and use for flushing toilets or irrigating plants.
- Designing ground surfaces to slope away from structures and towards garden areas and recharge zones.
- Retaining as much vegetation as possible during construction to reduce water evaporation.
This is great advice to be mindful of when planning or working on a construction project. As mentioned in our section ‘What is Water Conservation and Sustainability?’, there are also methods any project manager can implement to maintain water sustainability.
Related article: How Rethinking Water Supply Can Support Sustainable Development
Effective Water Conservation with Campion Connect
Sustainable water networks work best when they’re properly monitored and managed. However, it’s not always possible to stay on top of everything 24/7, or is it?
With sustainable water technology such as Campion Connect, you can obtain round-the-clock insights that help you achieve complete control of your water supply. This technology provides constant updates on supply areas such as the pumps, the water quality, the flow rate and tank level. Campion Connect, available on desktop and mobile, will even warn you of minor issues before they become big problems.
For more on Campion Connect and how Campion can help manage your water supply to conserve water, contact us today.