Renewable energy is as important as ever. In fact, with climate change a constant topic of discussion, it may have even reached new heights.

We all have a part to play in protecting the environment, from recycling our plastics to choosing to bike to work. But what about renewable water and solar operated water pumps? How do these two go in tandem, and how do they benefit you and the environment? 

What is Renewable Energy? 

According to Bord Gáis Energy, “Sustainable or ‘green’ energy is the energy generated from resources that do not produce greenhouse gas emissions.” The main resources are:

  • Sun (solar)
  • Wind
  • Water

The use of renewable energy is not only beneficial to the environment in that it cuts the use of fossil fuels, but also to users as it is more sustainable and cost-effective. 

Speaking about the importance of renewable energy, Jim Scheer, Head of Policy Insights and Design at the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), said “Most of the energy we use to generate electricity, to heat our homes and businesses and for transport comes from burning fossil fuels like gas, coal, peat and oil. We need to eliminate energy waste and transition to using more renewable sources of energy like wind, solar, heat pumps and bioenergy as quickly as we can.”

What is a Renewable Energy Powered Water Pumping System?

A solar water pump system is a system where electricity is provided by photovoltaic (PV) panels. A solar powered pumping system consists of solar panel that power an electric motor, which in turn powers the pump. The benefits of solar water pumps are many and include:

  • Eco-friendly
  • Easy installation
  • Solid construction and easy to operate 
  • No conventional grid electricity required
  • Long lifespan
  • Highly reliable

The added benefit? Renewable energy powered water pumping systems can be used for drinking water, irrigation, horticulture, construction projects – you name it. 

Related article: Pump Maintenance: Quick Water Pump Fix or Major Overhaul?

What are the Benefits of Sustainable Water?

Water is not only used in everyday life, such as in households and offices, but also in the likes of agricultural irrigation and construction projects. So, given our dependency on water, wouldn’t the wisest move be to make it sustainable?

Sustainable water saves people money. It reduces damage to the environment by protecting ecosystems. It even helps to reduce disease, improves human health overall, and is essential when trying to counter climate change. 

Water management can be tricky, but by and large the benefits of sustainable water can be defined in three ways:

  1. Resources

Water infrastructure uses everything from concrete to metal and valuable land. Maintaining infrastructure is a costly undertaking, too. 

By adopting sustainable practices, we reduce the need to build for example, reservoirs. This can be as simple as implementing a water pumping system using solar power.

  1. Environmental Impact

Econation states that “Building reservoirs has a large environmental impact, including altered stream flows, destruction of wilderness, changes in local erosion patterns and generally degraded ecological health.”

Sustainable water reduces the impact on the environment and our ecosystems. This is especially important in regard to endangered species and containing diseases.

  1. Resilience

Given the importance of challenging climate change, as well as growing populations worldwide, water resilience is essential. Methods of water resilience include:

  • Installing a rainwater harvesting system
  • Using innovative water technology to monitor pump performance
  • Reusing water on construction sites
  • Better long-term planning around your needs
  • Assessing existing pumps and repairing/replacing as needed

Related article: Water Conservation and Sustainability: How Effective Water Supply Plans Help Conservation Efforts

What are the Disadvantages of Solar Water?

Although the move to sustainable water practices is a positive one, there are some noteworthy drawbacks. These include: 

  • Upfront installation costs: Replacing old pumping systems, for instance, can be an expensive undertaking, as is installing solar panels.
  • Can be dependent on weather: We have an unpredictable climate in Ireland that could affect your hot water supply.
  • Only heats water: If you install solar thermal collectors (panels that heat water), they will provide up to 60% of hot water demand over 12 months. However, that’s hot water only, and while you can get a grant in Ireland for these panels, they can still prove costly. 

Of course, being sustainably minded means you’re thinking of the future. While these may be issues at the installation stage, you will reap long-term rewards that make solar energy worthwhile.

Solar Powered Water Pumping Systems with Campion

At Campion, we can advise on what solar powered water pumping system is best for you. In fact, we’ve been providing expert water pump advice for over 30 years. 

To find out how we can help you save money and reduce your environmental impact, contact us today.

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